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The Legislature of Cattaraugus County will meet in adjourned session in the Legislative Chambers at 303 Court Street, Little Valley, New York, on Wednesday, February 9, 2022, for the transaction of such business as may properly come before the meeting.

Join by phone:

+1-408-418-9388  or

+1-646-992-2010 United States Toll (New York City) or

+1-312-535-8110 United States Toll (Chicago)

Access code: 173 568 3119 (followed by #)

Are you in danger of Eviction?

Connecting Communities in Action may be able to help with up to 6 months of back rent/utility assistance or housing relocation.

Program eligibility includes:

  • Must have an eviction notice or demand to vacate your unit
  • Landlord agreement
  • Income at or below 50% area median income

For more information, contact Susan, Homeless Intervention Specialist 716945-1041 x 148

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