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The data above comes from Food Service Inspections performed by Cattaraugus County Health Department - Environmental Health staff.

These inpsections are performed at different intervals dependent upon characteristics of the facility / operation. In interpreting the data above, it should be noted that "all violations are not created equal." 

  • Critical or "RED" violations are generally more serious and may have the potential to cause food-borne illness.
  • Non-critical violations or "BLUE" violations are not as serious and generally have little or no potential to cause food-borne illness. 

The table shows the inspection results for the most recent inspection. It should be noted that each inspection is a "snapshot in time" and may not represent the conditions at a facility / operation at any other time. 

The easiest way to view the results of the most recent inspection is to click on the number in the left-most column for the facility / operation you wish to view. Upon clicking a window will appear at the bottom of the table with the inspection results.


*Please find below a description of the type of data stored in each field / column.

COLUMN 1 - No Column Heading -  This is a simple Row or Record ID number that when clicked will open a window at the bottom of the table showing all of  details of the inspection entered into the state database.

FACILITY - This is generally the name of the physical structure that the inspection is performed at. 

OPERATION - This is the name of the operation utilizing the facility at the time of the inspection.  Although rare,  it does occur that a facility may be used by two or more operations.  Food service inpsections are performed on an operation, not a facility, basis.

ADDRESS - This is the contact address of the operation.

LAST INSPECTION -  This is the date of the most recent inspection.

VIOLATIONS - This the Item # and general description of the type of violation(s) noted during the course of the inspection.

TOTAL #  CRITICAL VIOLATIONS -   This is the number of critical violations ("RED") noted during the course of the inspection.

TOTAL #CRIT. NOT CORRECTED - This is the number of uncorrected critical violations in the database. There may be a time lag between when an item is corrected and when this number is changed in the database. Many, if not most, critical items are corrected during the course of the inspection. This number is generally zero.

TOTAL # NONCRITICAL VIOLATIONS -This is the number of noncritical violations ("BLUE") noted during the course of the inspection.

FACILITY ADDRESS -  This is the street / road address of the facility. This may be different from the ADDRESS column/field, which contains the mailing address information for the operation.

CITY - This is the name of the post office that delivers mail to the facility.

ZIP CODE - This is the postal code of the facility.

MUNICIPALITY -  This is the municipality in which the facility is located.

PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE  -  This is expiration date of the most current NYSDOH / CCHD Food Service Permit.

PERMITTED (D/B/A)- If the permittee is Doing Business As (DBA) a trade name, that information will be listed here.

PERMITTED CORP. NAME - If the permittee is a corporation, that information will be listed here.

PERM. OPERATOR LAST NAME - This is the last name of the individual person who is responsible for the operation.

PERM. OPERATOR FIRST NAME - This is the first name of the individual person who is responsible for the opertion.

INSPECTION COMMENTS -  These are any comments noted by the inspector during the course of the inspection


Catt. County is an Accredited Health Department by the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB)